still dont get the easyterm bit, lol.
The only factual information i can get hold of on the coolant sensor is that its a Lucas jobbie and 2000 ohm at 25c and 182 ohm at 100c, so if you transpose those points onto the 2252_256 curve it shows that it reads high at 25 and low at 100c, the curve is not as steep.
what i was getting at when commenting on the speed density algorythms, is, when the engine idles, the temperature rises, as does the under bonet temperature. As this happens, you can watch the ECG start to correct and the engine does start to run a little rough. I dont think just letting EGC sort everything out is the right way to go about it

You can tune the VE table for normal running temp and warm up enrichments for cold running but if the engine temp rises the algorythm kicks out the wrong response and then EGC corrects its mistake, how will this affect acceleration enrichments where EGC is not switched on?
One thing that is odd, is that since fitting VEMS, the engine temp at idle seems to rise quite quickly and the electric fan kicks in, this is a thermostatic switch, not the fan control on Vems. when driving the coolant temp reads 78c yet there is an 88c stat fitted. Temp gauge is now controled via a standard temp sender where before it was controlled by the ECU, nothing tallies up hence why i am talking here.
Everything will be back on the car and new, including the thermostat, gauge temp sender was replaced about 8 weeks ago, as that deffo was reading out, the gauge never read above 1/4, lol.
I cant easily fit any other sensors as the holes are all the wrong sizes and there just isnt enough space to fit them anywhere else, and im not taking the head off just to drill a hole for a sensor

I'll have a look at this easythrm thing again tonight, other than that i'll have to use the 2252_256 hex files for now as i have been doing since the begining, even though its not right, i just dont have faith in it

Just want to get to the bottom of it as its a bit daunting not knowing the true engine temperature.