Hello everyone.
This is my mk2 golf

Left conveyor in 1989.02.28 in poverty spec, CL, had 1.3 carb engine, 084 4 speed gearbox, used to have OEM fog lights and I'm glad that it had both outside mirrors

When it came in my possession, it met the same fate as my other car, B3 A90q, which is off the road for past few years - it became a constructor, filling up with equipment, so now it has power windows, power mirrors, cruise control, MFA, mk4 central locks, headlight washers and so on. I also had plan for better engine, so when increased pressure in cooling system was found [caused by corroded head], there was no question about what to do - so in the end 1991 Seat Toledo with 2E 2.0 8v engine was found, ideal donor car to turn mk2 golf into GTI 8v, as it contains all the necessary parts - powertrain, exhaust, anti roll bar, bigger brakes, disc brake rear axle and some other things. Year and half ago engine was swapped into golf, due to having donor car, and one which is based on mk2 chassis made the swap really straightforward.

Relatively recently the engine compartment looked like this.
Then came the reality - I need to put LPG in the car, due to fuel expenses straining my budget, and I'm not just going to put LPG kit upon some ECU which will keep running like it's petrol being burnt - I need power and economy. Besides, I have VEMS V3.7 ECU I bought few years ago in kit form for my audi and assembled it in 90's BMW bosch DME box, as I wanted to be able to output everything VEMS provides, due to not knowing what do I really want and what do I really need

Currently that ECU casing is more of liability, not being airtight but being placed under windscreen as in VW, but that will be dealt with some sealant later...

So recently I slowly prepared everything for VEMS - both because I was hesitating and also because the car can have few days off the road per week max, and every weekend it should run. First idea was to make by myself 36-1-1-1-1 impulse wheel to attach to crank pulley and read with hall sender removed from distributor, and have wasted spark ignition with two Audi V6 coils, but due to questionable precision of my self made trigger wheel and mounting arrangements I decided that I should get engine running on it's distributor hall sender with no fancy stuff yet. So I slowly soldered my loom; here it's in half baked state

While I did just table tests, I ran into strange issues, which were solved with help from GintsK.
Engine management has been wired up in OEM style; engine loom from Seat Toledo is in two parts, engine management half which plugs into another half - in non-management half I put thicker wires for engine management power; everything needed for VEMS was already there - ECU power from ECU relay, injector and IAC power, ignition coil power and what used to be separate ignition power for ISV now is power for WBO2 heater.
So the current setup is:
Stock VW 2E 2.0 8v engine
Generic VAG CLT sender [not original; I've switched from plastic flanges to aluminium flanges, requiring different senders]
1.8T IAT sender, installed in intake manifold in front of throttle
Original distributor with hall sender
Original fuel rail with side feed injectors, modified so that each injector could be wired to separate FET
GM 1 bar MAP from opel
original mk3 style ignition coil
original IAC
Bosch LSU 4.2 oxygen sensor; unfortunately bought for audi and therefore it has way too long wire
So I put VEMS into the car a couple of days ago and, after figuring out what should primary trigger timing look like the engine was running right away. Some initial setup was made with help from a guy who has 0 VEMS knowledge, but has in depth knowledge about working principles of engines and OEM managements, and therefore he was able to give me input how ignition and lambda target tables should look like, and something like this. VE table, to be on the safe side, was 95 all around, the engine ran quite nice, only exhaust was awful...
Afterwards, in the morning, when having a 30 km drive to church with my wife, I did my first VE tuning, on the way back there was another tuning, and this time I was stopped by unmarked road police car, due to my erratic driving, to check if I'm not drunk...

Did some more tuning and corrections early monday morning, but that clearly is just the beginning.
Currently the car starts, runs and drives. It runs good, actually feels better than digifant, as it had, I guess, worn MAF potentiometer at some low load area, causing some shuttering at that load - now it's better, only it reacts on flooring the throttle with some kick, I guess must be because there is no WOT enrichment...

Cold engine starts quite good, only, I guess, cranking IAC duty must be decreased, when engine comes alive, it first jumps to ~1,6k or more and then settles to 1,2-1,3k . Warm engine doesn't really want to start - when I was in such a situation yesterday, on a first try engine started and died right afterwards, on next try it didn't wanted to start until some throttle was applied - do I really need some starting enrichment for engine @ 90c? Idle is the biggest issue, and I'm not talking about fine idle, as I've turned PID control off and I'm not in a position to enable it - idle has tendency to jump in 500-1500 rpm range and sometimes engine will stall... I found that VE tuning with Live VE analyzer, with autotune ON has resulted in some incorrect measurements - with warm engine idling @ 1,4k/30 kpa [not target, just happens to be like that] I noticed that lambda target was 0,95, but actual lambda 0,7. so I manually decreased value of that cell until I got 0,95 [from 40 to 30] and set slightly higher values in nearby cells in which idle might fall into - how could this happen? Because I haven't tuned injector opening times? Or maybe because second time I tuned VE table, I didn't turn on EGOC?
Ignition for now is acceptable - well, maybe some changes in idle area is needed, any input welcome - other than that - engine feels strong and I cannot hear any knock; I used to hear engine knocking, as it turned out that someone before me had turned earlier ignition. In near future I'll try to borrow timing gun to fine tune primary trigger settings. I'm running the engine with 98 RON fuel, as that's what are these engines made for.
Current config looks is this, any input welcome