Author Topic: Product and ancillary pieces for 928 conversion  (Read 10325 times)

Offline vball23

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Product and ancillary pieces for 928 conversion
« on: August 07, 2020, 11:58:10 pm »
I have an 85 Porsche 928. It currently has a Vortech supercharged S4 engine from a 90 9284 S4. The original owner and car builder used the lh/ezf from 85, so no knock sensors, hall sensors, etc were used.
I have pulled that engine due to damage as a result of zero oil pressure at highway speed. I am replacing it with another S4 engine from an 89 928 S4. I want to utilize the knock sensors and such, so I was going to swap over to S4 LH/EZK computers, but I have been convinced to go with a VEMS setup instead. I will be swapping over the 32lb injectors from the old engine after having them cleaned. I already have a wideband O2 sensor, but it is only going to a gauge. The LH/EZF is being sent readings from a standard O2 sensor. Also, I have a set of new Porsche Cayenne coils, so I would like to go with COP if I can.

What kit do I need? What else do I need to use the COP with the coils I already have? Any other additions or upgrades I should consider? I am in Tennessee, so what vendor should I use?

Offline 85euro928

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Re: Product and ancillary pieces for 928 conversion
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2020, 01:09:43 am »
Are you on RL?  If so PM me.